Freitag, 18. November 2011

Matthias und seine Reise mit dem Koffer

Wien, Österreich 19.9.11
Fand den Koffer auf der Suche nach Streetart in den Strassen Wiens, nahe dem Museumsquartier. Wer immer ihn da abgestellt hat, er war prima platziert. Mein Begleiter war auf der Suche nach einem Postamt und so knipste ich nur schnell ein Foto und wir gingen weiter. Die Post fand sich gleich auf der
anderen Straßenseite. Also ging ich neugierig zurück und öffnete den Koffer – immerhin vorderte
er mich dazu auf. Wir beschlossen den Koffer nicht nur mitzunehmen, sondern am nächsten Tag nach Berlin zu bringen. Ich packte ihn also voll mit meiner Wäsche und zog morgens auf dem Flughafen Wien und später dann in Berlin Tegel zwischen all den Business-Travelern und Rollkoffern Blicke auf mich.

Berlin, Deutschland, 23.9.11
In Berlin musste ich zwei Tage warten, bis ich den Koffer wieder aussetzen konnte. Der Papst war in der Stadt und da machen sich allein herumstehende Koffer gar nicht gut. Wäre ich beim Aussetzen gesehen worden, hätte ich Stunden auf einer Polizeiwache verbracht. Ausgesucht habe ich mir den Koppenplatz in Berlin Mitte, zwischen August- und Linienstrasse. In der Gegend sind alle modernen Kunstgalerien der Stadt ansässig. Anderswo wäre die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß, dass der Finder die Digi-Cam in Bier umsetzt. Auf dem USB-Stick: MP3 „Marlene Dietrich - Ich hab noch einen Koffer in Berlin“

Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2011

Digitial suitcase in Berlin

Matthias picked up the digital suitcase on November, 19th in Vienna. After walking around with the suitcase in Vienna he decided to take it to his home.
digital suitcase was picked up by Matthias in Vienna
on a trip through Vienna he passed the TU Vienna
He combined our project with the yarn street art in vienna
The digital suitcase find a new home somewhere in Austria

 A few days later Matthias traveled with the suitcase to Berlin. He wrote a nice report, which will be posted in the next couple of days. In Berlin he had a walk as well as in Vienna. Afterwards he placed the digital suitcase in Berlin Mitte - Koppenplatz
The suitcase and the famous S-Bahn of Berlin
Matthias and his suitcase modification
Koppenplatz in Berlin Mitte
The last placement and picture of the suitcase
 Unfortunately, the localization of the digital suitcase is dead for more than two weeks now. We visited the Koppenplatz several days after the placement. The suitcase was already gone. We hope it will appear somewhere and some day again... 

Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

Digitial suitcase in Vienna

After the the hand over at Pfarrplatz in Linz, it seems that Miriam and her friends have done a little tour through Vienna with our digital suitcase.

After the little city tour they placed the digital suitcase at the famous Stephansdom in Vienna.

After the placement the digital suitcase was picked up by Reiner. But this story comes in a new blog post.

Montag, 26. September 2011

Digital suitcase arrived at Pfarrgasse in Linz

After the digital suitcase was taken at the Ars Electronica Festival (Brucknerhaus), on the same day it found a new owner at the Pfarrplatz in Linz.

Suitcase on the way to Pfarrplatz

the handing over to the new owners

new receiver #1

new receiver #2

Next digital suitcase report will present the travel around vienna. Stay tuned!

Dienstag, 20. September 2011

Placement of the digital suitcase at Ars Electronica Festival

The starting place of our project was the University in Linz. After preparing the digital suitcase we had to wait for an appropriate event. The Ars Electronica Festival (for media, art, science and society) in Linz was perfect for it. So on Sunday afternoon, September 4th, we started to place the suitcase in front of the main entrance of the Bruckner Haus in Linz. The Ars Electronica staff was in the beginning a little bit skeptical what's up with this suitcase. After a short exploration of the suitcase content, everything went on without problems.

Starting point University

Main entrance Ars Electronica Festival

Ars staff don't know what's going on

After the Ars staff observation some Ars Electronica visitors were super curious and opened the suitcase. They investigated the content of the suitcase and read the instructions. Unfortunately, they just looked at the content and closed the suitcase again. So the suitcase had to wait until someone else would take and place it somewhere.

Some interested people
Some more interested people

Take it or leave it?!
They took it. The suitcase travels now!

And finally, the digital suitcase was taken by two women. We guess they placed the suitcase at the Pfarrplatz in Linz. But we are not 100% sure...

Dienstag, 6. September 2011

All suitcases are placed in the public and already travelling

Since Sunday, September 4th all suitcases are travelling. We are curious what will happen in the future with the suitcases. The analog suitcase was placed during the "Pflasterspektakel" in Linz and the digital suitcase was placed at the Ars Electronica Festival. Both placements caused some skeptical observation in the public spaces. In the end and after a while each suitcase could find their new friends. Photos and stories will follow soon, so stay tuned.

Montag, 20. Juni 2011

Preparing the suitcases

After some visits at Volkshilfe, Linz flea market, and some supermarkets we found our final components. The next step was designing the suitcases. Make the suitcases somehow clearly visible for the people on public spaces was one of the most difficult tasks. We decided to write the name of our project with a very bright neon colour on our suitcases. We hope that causes enough attraction. In the end we placed our components in an order, so that attracts people to join our project. Here are some pictures of our suitcases.

Preparing and defining the instructions

After some conversations we found the final construction for each suitcase. Of course the instructions of the digital and analog suitcase differs. Here you can see our instructions:

The analog suitcase instructions:

 The digital suitcase: